If your family has a need, CMFCAA may be able to help.
You may submit your special request in the form below. All requests are kept confidential. CMFCAA will do their best to fill the monitory or material need for your family.
Special requests are considered and voted on at the monthly CMFCAA Board of Directors meeting.
All request will be evaluated based on money available, purpose of the request, and prior request received by same family. Requests must be submitted to a CMFCAA staff member 60 days prior to the donated item being needed.
Requests made on an emergency basis that could not have been predicted 60 days prior will be handled separately. “Emergency Basis” situations will be determined by the staff and Executive Board Members.

Partnering With One Simple Wish
CMFCAA partners with One Simple Wish to provide larger requests for children in foster care. Items that may be requested from One Simple Wish are (but are not limited to) indoor and outdoor toys, furniture, concert tickets, laptops, tablets, lessons, musical instruments, swing sets, basketball goals, etc.
One Simple Wish requests are not guaranteed to be granted. One Simple Wish is supported by donors who choose the wishes they would like to grant.